Home Again

After a 3-month post-grad summer job in Beijing, I’m finally back home in the States! As expected, 36 hours after arrival my bags are still untouched… but I have a good excuse this time (as always!).

ready for the unpacking

Since I’ll be based primarily out of Minnesota for the next few months (for the first time in a long time!), I figured this is as good a time as any to actually clean out my room, which has been slowly but steadily accumulating clutter (i.e. cardboard boxes and plastic bags, random electrical cords, books and papers from school and other miscellaneous sources) over the past four years. Got to a good start yesterday by filling two trash bags full of old clothes to donate – and maybe more to come, once I finally suck it up and part with all those perfectly-good-except-for-the-fact-that-I-never-ever-wear-them pieces. With all my clothes are actually all in the same place (instead of split between here and my dorm), its kind of scary to realize how many clothes I actually have! Also cleared a bunch of empty boxes and bags out of my closet, though I haven’t touched the two storage bins full of my old elementary and middle school memorabilia – that’s a little bit too ambitious for now.

forced to confront the embarrassing truth of my cumulative retail activity

After clearing out all the mess, I’m going to go ahead and give everything a thorough dusting, vaccuming, and/or wipe-down, and it’ll be a fresh start for sure! I guess that’s the mentality behind this blog too. Now that I’ve graduated from college (still hard to believe) and starting my gap year before medical school, I’d like to take advantage of this year of relatively free time to do more of the things I’ve always wanted but lacked the time to do – including keeping a blog (with pictures!). So here goes – I’ll try my hardest not to be too boring!

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